Three Prayers

Here are three prayers I could use right now:

1) A prayer for when I observe someone fail to live up to their responsibilities, either to myself or to others. That is, for when other people fail to live up to my hopes and expectations for them, be they friend or stranger.

2) A prayer for when I feel estranged from someone. When I dislike what someone does or says, I tend to categorize them as "other" - less smart, less good, in some way less than myself. I want to reinforce for myself that those who are different from me are not worse, though they may make me feel uneasy.

3) A prayer for feeling frustrated and ineffectual as work. For spinning my wheels as it were.

Any suggestions?


Louis Merlin said…
Prayer 1: Dear God, thank you for helping me to understand good and evil behavior. At the same time, however, you have helped me to see that my knowledge of both is imperfect.

Let me take this opportunity to be reminded of why it is important for us to pursue behavior that is considerate of others; and to remember that human fallibility, which is a part of all of us, and helps us to forgive each other.
Anonymous said…
There's always the Serenity Prayer. Other people are something you cannot change, but you can change your own outlook towards them.

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